It has been three months since our last blog entry during which time we've been in the U.S. Unable to reign in our wanderlust any longer, we hopped a flight South. We flew to San Jose, Costa Rica which saved us some money versus flying into Panama City and made our way to the Costa Rica/Panama border. The border crossing was a frustrating racket of a nightmare (which we'd read would be the case) but after some palm greasing, we were safely on our way to Boquete, Panama in the Chiriqui highlands (see map). After our month in Belize it became clear to us that we desire mountains instead of beaches. Boquete is in the valley of Volcan Baru, an extinct volcano that boasts the highest point in Panama at more than 11K feet. With the rich volcanic soil, one could practically stick a boot in the ground and it would grow. It is a truly enchanting area, cool breezes, perfect temperatures all year round and spectacular views to savor in all directions.

Over the next few months, Randy and I plan to thoroughly explore Boquete and the town on the other side of Volcan Baru aptly named "Volcan" as well as the rest of Panama including Panama City and the Canal.
¡sí, váyate!
(i'm pretty sure that means 'yes, get going you!' but i'm not quite sure to be honest...)
Hey guys!
Glad to see you're back on the road! Have so much fun...can't wait to see pics!
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